
How To Clean Little Tikes Plastic

Do you accept dirty, moldy, mildewy and stained plastic playground equipment or toys? Then, this article is for you.

Agree it! There's no need to get out and buy new equipment just yet .

The not bad matter almost plastic is its immovability . While it may not look like it did when it was make new, I'll show you some proven and effective methods to make information technology look new again .

Whether its mold, mildew, scuff marks and dirt, I have the solution . Your plastic playground equipment and toys are non across hope – you lot tin can bring them back to life with these proven methods.

Step Ane – Washing the Plastic

No matter the condition of your plastic playground gear, if information technology'southward dingy, and so this is where y'all should get-go. If whatsoever stains remain just follow the next steps.

This is also a great routine to get into, practise this in one case a month or and then during "summit play flavor" to keep your equipment from getting stained and to keep it sanitized. Get the kids involved and get in fun!

Here are the items that you'll need:

  • Pail or saucepan
  • Make clean rag (mop for bigger areas)
  • Scrub brush
  • Water hose or an extra saucepan for rinsing
  • Liquid dish lather
  • White distilled vinegar (optional)


1. Rinse the plastic toys or equipment that you desire to make clean with a h2o hose or saucepan of clean h2o.

2. Put about 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap into the bucket and then fill up with water, creating a nice foamy bucket of soapy water.

Tip – Mix in 1 cup of White Distilled Vinegar to the bucket if yous accept mold or mildew. White Vinegar will kill bacteria, and fungus and has been proven to kill 82% of all mold species.

three. At present, soak the rag or mop in the soapy water and wipe on the surface of the item y'all're cleaning- actually soak it downwards, similar you're washing a car.

4. Take your scrub castor, and using circular and up and down motions on the plastic, offset to scrub. The dirt and grime will elevator right off

5. Rinse – exist sure to have your h2o hose or a bucket of fresh water shut by to rinse the dirt off. For larger items, rinsing as yous go is recommended.

This is a natural, simple and effective way to clean your plastic playground gear and toys. If your equipment is older, and has clay and/or mildew and mold stains that this volition not remove, cheque out the adjacent steps.

Footstep Two – Removing Stains and Spot Cleaning

If you lot have whatever remaining stains such equally clay, mold or mildew , this method should not only remove them but will as well sanitize your plastic equipment and toys .

Bleach and vinegar are very effective in the removal of mold and mildew from whatever surface.

Bleach and Water Method

The usual solution is made up of one loving cup bleach to one gallon of water or 1 office bleach to 10 parts water.

Here is what you'll need:

  • Gloves
  • Bucket (Spray bottle for smaller areas and spot cleaning)
  • Bleach (Chlorine)
  • Scrub brush

Have care in using bleach. If inhaled, it can damage the lungs. Too be sure non to splash on the skin or wearing apparel.


ane. Add together 1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water in a bucket. Or 1 role bleach per x parts water in a spray bottle.

two. Soak the plastic toys or equipment in the bleach and water solution using a rag (wear gloves!) or the spray canteen. Let the solution sit for a infinitesimal or two.

3. Scrub the plastic vigorously using a scrub brush until the stains lift.

4. Rinse with h2o to completely remove the bleach formula. Be sure non to spray the water too difficult as you rinse, to prevent the bleach from splashing dorsum onto you.

five. Air dry for around 30 minutes until fully dry.

Vinegar and Water Method

White vinegar is an constructive disinfectant and safer, natural cleaning alternative to bleach . The use of white vinegar will effectively remove clay, mold and mildew stains on your child's plastic toys.

The usual solution is 1 function white distilled vinegar to 1 role water .

Y'all will demand these items:

  • White distilled vinegar
  • Essential oil (optional)
  • Bucket (Spray bottle for smaller areas and spot cleaning)
  • Scrub brush
  • Water
  • Gloves (optional)


1. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bucket or spray bottle.

Tip – Add your favorite essential oil the the mix to neutralize the strong vinegar odor and create a pleasant smelling solution.

2. Generously soak the plastic down with the solution using a rag or spray bottle and let sit for 5 minutes (you may have to add together more during this time to keep the plastic wet).

3. Scrub vigorously using a scrub brush or heavy-duty sponge.

4. Rinse completely with make clean water and permit dry.

Stride Three – Scuff Marks and Basis in Clay

If you yet have remaining stains that seem immovable, they are probably the issue of "ground in" clay and scuff marks. Hither are some cheap solutions that yous can use to remove these tough stains.

Sandpaper Method

Sanding is ideal for cleaning and polishing plastics. Information technology volition remove whatever scuff marks along with the ground in clay. All you need is fine-grit sandpaper. Any sandpaper from 320 – 600 dust will do.

You lot may desire to opt for wet sanding, which tends to show the best results on plastic without leaving being unsightly scratches. Just dip the sandpaper in water before you sand, and/or spray the plastic with h2o equally you go.

What you'll demand:

  • Sandpaper 320 – 500 grit (The lower the dust the more form the sandpaper is)
  • Water
  • Rag or paper towels


1. Make sure the surface of the plastic is clean.

2. Wet the sandpaper. You lot tin just dip it in water or wet it with a water hose.

3. Rub the plastic surface vigorously with the sandpaper using fast and short motions. Focus on only a small area at a fourth dimension. Do this until the scuff and stain are completely removed and you have a smoothen surface.

Tip – For the best results start with a lower grit (courser) sandpaper and finish with a higher grit. For case, you lot can start with a 320 grit then "smooth" the plastic extra smoothen with a 500 or 600 dust.

4. Wipe make clean with a wet rag or paper towel.

Magic Eraser Method

I'm certain yous've heard of the cleaning product Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. This product is made of a cured foam material chosen melamine. It basically cleans surfaces by acting as super-fine grit sandpaper.

So if you don't desire to bargain with sandpaper, and/or already have some of these in your home, and then this method will also piece of work.

What you'll need:

  • Magic Eraser cleaning product
  • Rag or paper towels
  • H2o


1. Make sure the plastic is clean using 1 of the methods higher up.

2. Scrub the plastic surface with the magic eraser vigorously, using fast and short motions. Endeavour wetting the eraser and plastic for better results.

iii. Wipe clean with a moisture rag or newspaper towel.

When You Should Consider Painting Your Plastic Playground Equipment

There is no safe and constructive method to restore weather faded plastic. In that location are some products that claim to restore the color of plastic, simply from experience, I can tell you that they do non "stay restored" for very long and take a long time to use.

Also, a lot of these products aren't safe for children, who have a tendency to put their mouth's on their toys.

Plastic toys and equipment are a smart purchase , because plastic is and then durable and will last for many years , simply permanent fading will occur- particularly on outdoor equipment.

If your plastic playground equipment and/or toys are still structurally sound but expect terrible, an affordable and easy solution is to paint them.

At a fraction of the cost compared to buying new equipment you can give another life to these playground favorites. Please read our article titled "How to Paint Plastic Playground Equipment – Fully Restore" (opens in new tab) for a step-by-step guide on how to practise this.

Dangers of Muddied Playground Equipment

Dirty playground equipment can pose some serious health problems. Mold, mildew, and bacteria can cause serious illnesses and worse.

Keeping your play equipment clean is essential to providing a healthy play surroundings for children. Once you lot accept your playground equipment and toys clean, it'south easy to maintain them and keep them clean.

Mold and Mildew

There are dangers associated with having mold and mildew on playground equipment and children's toys . Exposure to molds heightens the risks of health issues similar allergies, asthma and continuing sinus infections.

Allergies are non seasonal, t hese can occur at any time of the year. Molds can contain contaminants that touch on the central nervous system and immune system thereby compromising vital brain and trunk functions.

People exposed to mildew have the possibility to acquire fungal infections in their lungs along with other potentially serious wellness hazards .

Symptoms of mildew exposure can consist of respiratory problems, headaches; irritation of the eye, throat or nose; nasal congestion; and gasping for breath .

Concluding Thoughts and Considerations

Plastic playground equipment and toys are durable, safe, and last a long time. When their appearance starts to deteriorate, you can remedy this and restore them without having to purchase new and expensive equipment.

A corking way to salve money is ownership used play equipment and toys and restoring them yourself.

I promise this article has been helpful, recollect to exist safe and have fun!

Over 14 years in special education with a BA in psychology. I work daily with children of all kinds, with a special focus on childhood development and play using music and play equipment among other tools.

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