
What Was The Embargo Act

The Embargo Act of 1807 failure

In 1807 President Thomas Jefferson helped to laissez passer ane of the near controversial laws in Us history. Just why Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807 failed is a topic for fence amongst historians, though several theories are more than widely accepted.

The Embargo Act was passed in response to repeated British and French violations of American neutrality and sovereignty. The law completely banned trade with all strange nations.

British and French seizures of neutral American shipping vessels and British impressment of American sailors needed to be addressed.

Jefferson was faced with a hard conclusion on how to respond. Prominent lawmakers such every bit John C. Calhoun chosen for state of war, while others hoped for a more peaceful resolution.

Ultimately Jefferson decided confronting war in favor of using the American economy equally his primary weapon to coerce the British and French. The movement failed as the Embargo Human action was repealed less than two years later post-obit massive backfire from the American public.

four Reasons the Embargo Act of 1807 Failed

There were four master reasons the Embargo Act of 1807 failed: a lack of political willpower, unpopularity in New England states, intricate smuggling operations, and the overall damage to the American economy.

Jefferson's reputation besides suffered from the embargo as he was forced to compromise his own Jeffersonian behavior and ideals in the process of enforcing the act.

One of his last moves equally President was to repeal the hated act in March 1809 and retire to private life away from the public spotlight.

Why the Embargo Act of 1807 Failed chart

Lack of Political Willpower

The main reason the Embargo Human action of 1807 failed was due to a lack of political willpower. Only put, Jeffersonian Democrats could non stomach the immense backlash from the American public.

President Jefferson naively idea that Americans would rally behind the embargo out of a sense of patriotic duty. That outcome could not have been further from the truth, even despite the Chesapeake-Leopard thing fanning the flames.

As unemployment soared and the American economy spiraled downwards, opposition to the embargo grew.

Traditional accounts propose that the embargo was ineffective and injure the American economy much more than the British or French.

Depiction of the Chesapeake-Leopard affair via Mariners Museum

Harvard Economist Jeffrey A. Frankel argues that prices in Britain really rose more than relative prices in the Us, suggesting Uk'south economy was more devastated past the embargo than previously thought.1

Americans were much more successful at substituting appurtenances, therefore diminishing the upshot of increasing prices. Had the embargo connected on, Britain may have been forced to requite in to American demands to avoid a complete economical meltdown.

Americans suffering from the sick furnishings of the embargo were less concerned with its impact on the British economic system. Equally long as Britain held out, the pressure on Jefferson and his party to repeal the embargo increased.

Voters in the ballot of 1808 signified their displeasure with the embargo, giving significantly more electoral votes to the struggling Federalist party.

Despite the embargo'southward effectiveness, Jefferson repealed it in March 1809 in 1 of the final acts of his presidency.

Securely Unpopular in New England States

Another reason the embargo failed was due to its overwhelming unpopularity in the New England states.

New England states such every bit Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island were primarily trade- and merchant-based. They also had a potent ship-building industry.

When the embargo banned all exports to foreign nations these states were maybe impacted the nigh. Sailors were the offset to lose their jobs, and shipbuilders saw their orders dry out upwards as ships sat in wharfs.

The embargo crippled the New England economy and civil unrest and illegal smuggling activities soon followed. Unemployment skyrocketed and civilians demanded jobs or the repeal of the hated deed.two

Americans were already divided over their preferences in supporting Britain or France. Federalists in New England preferred closer ties with United kingdom to help maintain their strong merchandise relations.

Jefferson Embargo Act cartoon
Cartoon of Jefferson having to explain the effects of his embargo via LOC

Jeffersonian Democrats favored closer ties with France due to their stronger republican values as well every bit general hatred of the British stemming from the American Revolution.

That partitioning deepened as the Federalist party was revitalized over the consequence of the embargo human action. Afterward a poor showing in the election of 1804 where the Federalists only carried two states, that number more than doubled to 5 states in the ballot of 1808.

New Englanders besides voiced their displeasure past turning on Jeffersonian Democrats in Congress. Massachusetts Senator John Quincy Adams became one of the beginning casualties in the spring of 1808 post-obit his support of the embargo.2

The deep unpopularity in New England was a major reason for the failure of the embargo act as united states of america' efforts to repeal the act eventually bore fruit.

Illegal Smuggling Operations

As the embargo was rolled out, merchants began to devise methods to circumvent the strict enforcement. These smuggling operations became increasingly sophisticated the longer the embargo stayed in effect.

The United States naval blockade of shipping exports was considered to be extremely effective. Enforcement measures were bolstered in 1808 with subsequent follow-on acts to the Embargo Act.

Smugglers were forced to get creative in their methods to evade customs officials. Ships would be loaded in deserted river inlets away from traditional harbors. Deserted coastlines in low population density areas of the south were besides utilized.1

Embargo Act smuggling
Cartoon depicting smuggler getting caught by "Ograbme" (embargo in reverse) via Wikimedia

Some of the most popular smuggling routes involved goods crossing the Canadian border. Lake Champlain to the St Lawrence River was usually used likewise every bit across Passamaquoddy Bay from Maine to New Brunswick.

In the s, appurtenances were smuggled to Spanish Florida or through the British colonial island of Bermuda. Some southern merchants were even able to bypass embargo enforcement entirely and canvass direct to Great Uk.

British records indicated that roughly 1.8 million pounds worth of appurtenances were straight imported from the U.s. in 1808. Officials were all too eager to publicize these accounts to showcase to their own people the ineffectiveness of the embargo and sectionalization amongst the American populace.1

Officials on the destitute frontier often lacked the manpower and/or willpower to enforce the embargo. Some frontier populations veered on the brink of armed rebellion due to the embargo's ill effects also every bit Jefferson'southward assault on their personal liberties.ane

Although enforcement was generally considered to exist good, extensive smuggling delegitimized federal authorisation and helped contribute to the failure of the Embargo Deed of 1807.

Impairment to American Economic system

A final reason for the failure of the Embargo Act was merely that the damage to the American economy was as well great to stomach for an extended catamenia.

Exports and imports sharply dropped from 1807 to 1808 and the U.s.a. was unprepared to bargain with the aftereffects. Exports declined a whopping 79% while imports dropped 60%, both incredibly pregnant figures.1

Sailors were the first to lose their jobs, but soon the negative furnishings rippled through the economy.

Shipbuilders stopped work, farmers who supplied products and food for long sea voyages lost their customers, and shortages of essential appurtenances such as breadstuff and woods began to mount.3

United States exports imports 1800s
Table of Us exports and imports from 1790 to 1819 via NBER

Soup kitchens emerged to help feed those who were unable to find jobs or feed themselves. Nearly 20% of the population in some New England towns were reduced to such a condition.iii

Unsurprisingly, protests and riots became commonplace as Americans voiced their displeasure with the embargo. Though Jefferson had infringed on the personal liberties with his passage of the embargo, he offered footling in the way of support for the thousands of unemployed and suffering citizens.

Damage to the British and French economies from the embargo was likewise significant, but both had the political willpower to withstand the prolonged absence of merchandise.

Both nations were locked in the Napoleonic Wars and recognized that they must defeat the other at all costs.

The damage to the American economy was simply also corking for the Embargo Act to last without significant further ramifications.


To recap, four primary reasons why the Embargo Act of 1807 failed were:

  1. Lack of political willpower
  2. Unpopularity in the New England states
  3. Illegal smuggling operations
  4. Damage to the American economy

While Jefferson repealed the embargo in March 1809 during the last days of his presidency, this was not the cease of economic acts against Great U.k..

The Embargo Act was immediately followed past the Not-Intercourse act in 1809, then Macon's Bill No. 2 in 1810. These latter two acts proved ineffective and were only desperate attempts to avoid state of war with Dandy Britain.

Then long as the British continued to seize American ships and sailors, war was unavoidable. Indeed, President Madison somewhen acquiesced in 1812, leading the unprepared United States into the important State of war of 1812.

One of the few silver linings of the Embargo Act was that it helped spark the domestic manufacturing industry, primarily in the n.

The lack of British manufactured goods flooding the American market helped American manufacturers grow and expand. The US experience in the War of 1812 helped leaders recognize the perils of relying on strange nations for specific goods.

Inside a few decades, manufacturing would dominate in the north, thanks to the protectionist economic policies championed in Henry Dirt's American Organisation.

The Usa learned its lesson from the Embargo Human action and following the State of war of 1812, the nation would never again implement a total embargo.


To larn more than about US history, bank check out this timeline of the history of the United States.


i) Frankel, Jeffrey A. "The 1807-1809 Embargo Against Great Britain." The Journal of Economic History, vol. 42, no. 2, 1982, pp. 291–308. JSTOR,

ii) Jennings, Walter W. "The Agitation for the Repeal of the Embargo Act." Social Science, vol. iii, no. 3, 1928, pp. 217–46. JSTOR,

iii) Phillips, James Duncan. "Jefferson's 'Wicked Tyrannical Embargo.'" The New England Quarterly, vol. eighteen, no. 4, 1945, pp. 466–78. JSTOR,

What Was The Embargo Act,


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