
How Much Does It Cost To Paint Stair Railing

Stairs are an of import function of our homes. Not only do nosotros depend on their construction to help u.s.a. climb from one flooring to another, merely they can also profoundly add to the look of a room. If you're looking to freshen upwards the interior of your home with a new glaze of paint, y'all might consider painting your stairs as well.

If you're eyeing a paint job for your stairs – including the railings, risers, and spindles – information technology'southward important to be aware of how much you lot could end up spending on this blazon of project, especially if you're debating between going the D.I.Y. route or hiring a professional painter. This commodity will help y'all make some of import decisions by addressing the following topics:

  • Things to consider when painting stairs
  • Cost to paint stair railings
  • Cost to paint stair risers
  • Cost to pigment stair spindles
  • Cost of painting stairs vs. staining or refinishing stairs
  • Toll of painting exterior stairs
  • Should I D.I.Y. pigment my stairs?
  • Should I have professionals paint my stairs?

Earlier nosotros explore whether to paint it yourself or hire someone else, allow's swoop into the process and costs of painting your stairs.

Things to consider when painting stairs

Similar any area of your house, stairs take a lot of boxes that need to be checked before you're ready to begin painting. Not merely are your stairs made of unique parts that demand special attending, but there's a lot of preparation involved and obstacles you might run into. Let's explore all there is to know about painting stairs.

Parts of the stairway

A stairway paint chore involves more than you might have thought. Your stairway is composed of multiple parts that will need to be painted separately. Below are some of the principal components of stairs that y'all're likely to detect in residential and commercial spaces:

  • Treads – The surfaces of your steps where you actually walk.
  • Risers – The surfaces that shut the space between each step.
  • Posts – The vertical supports at the end of a staircase that connects the end of the handrail to the terminate of the stairs.
  • Handrails/Railings – The bars that run along the stairs that tin be held on to for back up.
  • Balusters – The vertical supports that attach to the handrail and the base of the stairs (used in place of spindles).
  • Spindles – The vertical supports that adhere the top handrail to the lesser railing (used in place of balusters).
  • Stringers – The surfaces along the bottom of the stairs that the treads attach to.
  • Tread noses – The surfaces of the treads that extend past the risers.
  • Ceiling – Any ceiling from which your stairs descend.


Your stairs have multiple elements and surfaces that need to be painted separately. It'south important that each surface is measured separately and then added together in lodge to properly determine the costs and amount of paint you will demand. Hither are the steps for measuring the surfaces of your stairs:

  1. Calculate the length of your treads past adding the sizes — in inches — of the tread nosing, the run (vertical length of each tread), and the ascension (vertical length of each riser) together.
  2. Measure the width of your treads per inch. If y'all're including the stringers in the project, add an additional ii inches to your measurement.
  3. Multiply the ii results together to get the foursquare footage.
  4. Calculate the linear length of your handrail by measuring from the top of the landing to the floor. So add an additional 2 inches to your measurement.
  5. Add together all of your totals together to go the full amount of foursquare footage needing to be painted.

Prep work

In club to brand sure your paint project is a success, your stairs should be prepped earlier you begin painting. These are some things yous'll desire to consider doing to help prepare your stairs:


Object Needed


Sand the surface of your stairs to remove old paint and smooth the surface.


$four-$11 per pack

Line your stairs, walls, etc. with painter's tape to prevent smudges.

Painter's tape

$5-$vii per threescore yards

Repair any holes or marks constitute on the stairs


$5-$10 per quart

Make clean upwards after prep:
Remember to clean your stairs of whatever dirt and debris earlier you lot begin.


While it might seem straightforward, there are a few challenges you might encounter while painting your stairs. Hither are some things to consider when preparing to showtime painting.

  • Fourth dimension – Be prepared to spend a lengthy corporeality of time painting your stairs. Yous'll probably find yous accept to pigment each surface separately and piece of work over the course of multiple days.
  • Game plan – It tin can exist very easy to trap yourself in the middle of the task. Make sure you know the order that yous're painting each surface then you don't hazard ruining your work.
  • Safe – Given the heights, painting stairs tin be a little dangerous. Make sure to properly use a ladder when necessary, and look into any other health and safe recommendations.

Carpeting removal or changing floors first

Chances are you might exist looking to do a complete revamp of your stairs, especially if the surfaces are covered in carpeting or outdated floor. Having the carpet removed from your stairs volition cost $i per square foot, while the prices for removing and replacing the flooring will depend on the materials of both the original flooring and the new i. Either fashion, lots of boosted costs to continue in heed.


Many houses incorporate baseboards and other types of trim throughout, and your stairs might be one place where you can find it. If your stairway has trim that you would like to exist painted, make certain to summate their measurements and add the results to the full square footage.

Cost to pigment stair railings

A multi-level staircase with red-painted metal railings

Ane important role of your stairs are the stair railings. Railings or handrails are the horizontal bars that run along the stairs to provide those using them a place to take hold of on to for support. They'll almost likely be wooden (either oak, hemlock, walnut, or ash), although other materials are bachelor if you lot want to become artistic.

There are also many unlike styles of railings, so it's important to pay attention to what you lot're working with, particularly since what you're working with can potentially bear on the cost to pigment your railings. Here are the different styles:

  • Grooved handrails – Railings designed then that the spindle(s) of a staircase attach inside a groove.
  • Ungrooved handrails – Railings with a rectangular shape designed to be fastened to spindles with nails or to the wall.
  • Pig ear handrails – Railings that attach to the wall and are designed with a curved shape that allows for climbers to have more grip as they're using the stairs.
  • Mopstick handrails – Railings designed to be more decorative, as they are often attached to the wall using brackets and might also have end caps.

Any type of stair railings y'all're dealing with, chances are you're going to encounter some difficulties while painting them. These are the challenges y'all might encounter when painting stair railings:

  • You might want to consider detaching your railings from the wall or stairs to brand painting them easier; yet, dismantling and reattaching volition add to your workload.
  • Yous'll probable need to do lots of prep work before you begin, including cleaning and sanding.
  • If your railings are older, chances are you might need to repair them, especially if they're metal.
  • Y'all'll need to take extra care to find the right paint for the material of your railings and pay attention to how the paint you choose will affect the full cost.

Cost to paint stair railings lone: $4 to $12 per linear foot.

Cost to paint stair risers

A closeup of two books on a wooden staircase with beige risers

Another key part of your stairs are the risers. These are the vertical surfaces that make full the space betwixt each step on the staircase. Painting stair risers can really make them stand out and enhance the appearance of the entire room. Most homes tend to have risers that are near-vertical or slightly inclined and then that the top of the riser is closer to the climber than the base. Some interior stairs can really forgo risers, leaving empty space between each step.

While an essential part of a paint task, painting your stair risers volition also come with challenges. These are the issues you're likely to encounter when painting the risers:

  • You will have to paint the risers as is since dismantling your stairs and putting them back together will be very difficult.
  • You will also have difficulty doing whatever prep piece of work and priming.
  • Given the extent of the job, yous might have to avert or exist very careful using your stairs for at least 24 hours.

Cost to paint stair risers solitary: $4 to $12 per linear foot.

Cost to paint stair spindles

One highly artful office of your stairs are the spindles. Stair spindles are the vertical supports that adhere to the stair railing and the bottom railing or surface running along the stairs. They're commonly made of a variety of forest or metals, and in that location are vii different styles that you're likely to find in a home. Here are the different types of stair spindles:

  • Chamfered – Square at the peak and lesser of the spindle with a narrow foursquare center.
  • Edwardian – Intricate, antique styling for a decorative expect.
  • Foursquare – Perfectly square-shaped throughout the spindle. The simplest spindle pattern.
  • Foursquare tapered – Similar to chamfered, but the entirety of the middle of the spindle is narrower than the top and bottom.
  • Single twist – Square spindle with a simple twist advent in the heart.
  • Barley twist – A spindle with a twist design similar to barley twist candies.
  • Double twist – Foursquare spindle with two (or more) twists in the eye.

While the various intricate designs won't affect the cost of painting your spindles too much, attempting to pigment them will upshot in some difficulties. These are the challenges you might run across when painting spindles:

  • If y'all wish to dismantle this office of your stairs, it volition require extra work.
  • If you wish to paint your spindles without dismantling the stairs, you'll likely experience difficulties reaching some spindles and painting comfortably.
  • Prep work, priming, and painting volition all be difficult due to the dissimilar styles and uneven surfaces.
  • Y'all will need to research what paints to use based on the textile your spindles are made of. The cost to paint your spindles will greatly depend on the pigment you choose to use.

Cost to paint stair spindles alone: $4 to $12 per linear foot.

Costs of painting stairs vs staining or refinishing stairs

If you're hesitant to paint your stairs, but know you want to freshen up the look, staining and refinishing are both other options that y'all can consider. While both are popular, they have their differences. Hither is how they compare:




  1. Remove items from the area and record areas you wish to protect.
  2. Sand the stairs and clean them.
  3. Use the stain following the instructions on the tin.
  4. Later on the stain has stale, utilise 2 coats of varnish to protect the stairs.
  5. Clean upwardly the surface area.
  1. Remove items from the area and tape areas you wish to protect.
  2. Sand the stairs and clean them.
  3. Apply the finishing of your choice with a paintbrush.
  4. Clean upward the area.


  • Many steps are required, meaning lots of time spent.
  • Painters volition have to be cautious in gild to make sure they don't mess upwards anything that has been applied.
  • If the stairs are damaged, that will need to be dealt with before you tin begin.
  • Stairs will exist unusable for a few days.
  • Many steps are required, pregnant lots of time spent.
  • Painters will have to exist cautious in social club to brand sure they don't mess upwardly anything that has been applied.
  • If the stairs are damaged, that will need to be dealt with before you can brainstorm.
  • Stairs will be unusable for a few days.

Final results

  • Stairs will be left with a fresh, sleek design.
  • Stairs will wait fresh and have more protection.

Cost to paint stairs: Average of $350 to $450

Cost to stain/refinish stairs: Average $1.49 per square foot

Costs of painting exterior stairs

A white house with a deck and stairs that have been painted purple

If you're also looking to revamp the outside of your habitation, you might consider painting any stairs you have outside too. Whether wooden, concrete, or metal, you have many different options available to you lot. However, in that location are a whole new prepare of challenges when painting outdoors. These are the things yous should consider if you want to pigment your exterior stairs:

  • Weather – Any storms or winds outside can ruin the piece of work you lot've done on your stairs. Make sure to pay attention to your forecasts before beginning.
  • Protection – Being outside also means the potential for dirt/debris or animals to come forth. Take caution to protect your stairs while painting and drying.
  • Usability – How difficult volition information technology be to avoid using the stairs? Be prepared for your family unit to use culling exits or employ caution while the stairs are drying.
  • Pigment – Not merely exercise you need the all-time paint for the material of your stairs, but you need one that will protect the stairs against the weather condition. Brand certain you know the different types before finalizing your selection.

A mutual identify to pigment exterior stairs is a deck or garage, which both come up with common materials used (typically wood and concrete, respectively). However, painting exterior stairs is a cracking mode to add creativity to an outside space.

Should I D.I.Y. pigment my stairs?

Painting any part of your house can get costly, then you might be tempted to paint your stairs yourself in order to save on costs. While taking the D.I.Y. route has its advantages, there are also reasons why y'all might desire to consider using a professional painting service. Here are the pros and cons of D.I.Y. painting your stairs.



  • Costs less than hiring professional person painters
  • You have consummate control over the project, including what pigment is used and what you lot do with it
  • You'll end upwardly spending more over time if the project isn't washed correctly
  • Yous might lack the professional training needed to exercise the job well
  • Having to purchase your own materials will add to your costs
  • Can crusade a lot of stress and strain for your family
  • Might have the burden of living with an unfinished project for multiple days

Should I have professionals paint my stairs?

If the idea of trying to pigment your stairs on your own doesn't seem enjoyable, hiring professional painters is an option. While hiring labour to pigment your stairs will cost y'all around $50 per hour, it will likely be worth information technology. These are the benefits of hiring professionals to pigment your stairs:

  • Higher quality results that are long-lasting
  • They have a good centre for damage that needs to be repaired
  • They have great insight on what paint to use on your stairs
  • They're trained on how to stay safe while on the task
  • They can also practise all the prep work before they begin painting
  • They tin complete the project quickly and efficiently
  • You won't have to stress, knowing your stairs are being taken care of

How to choose a stair-painting company

If you're going to rent a professional to paint your stairs for you lot, you lot'll need to expect for a reliable contractor. Hither are some things to consider when deciding who to hire.

  • Do they accept a portfolio? How do y'all feel about their work?
  • Exercise they offer a warranty on labour and materials?
  • Are they bonded and insured?
  • What are their ratings on HomeGuide and Google like?
  • Are they asking for a big down payment?
  • Do they include setup and complete cleanup costs in the quote?
  • How proficient are they at communicating with you and answering your questions?

At present that you have the facts, it's time to determine how much you're willing to spend on painting your stairs. If you decide on the professional route, Urban center Painters is here for you. Contact usa here or give united states a call to go a quote for your project!


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