
Why Does Beowulf Fight Grendel

In the Anglo-Saxon epic verse form Beowulf, the protagonist insists on fighting Grendel with his bare fists rather than a weapon, claiming that Grendel does non use i. Beowulf considers employing a weapon against a creature that does non use a weapon to be dishonorable. He intends to face up Grendel on equal ground.

In modernistic fiction, this is oftentimes used every bit a device for defeating the villain alone, because otherwise the hero would have to fight other heroes or people would recall he is weak. For example, in the picture The Last Starfighter, this is why the chief graphic symbol, a 16-year-old boy named Adam, fights aliens with only his wits and a lite saber because if he fought others then information technology would exist like admitting that he was not able to shell them up himself. In improver, using his power unfairly to defeat opponents without a fight is also considered evil past many fictional characters.

In literature, this type of character is called a "dauntless", which means a person who exhibits courage and fearlessness in performing deportment that might cause others to look down on him or her. Such people do not worry nigh what others think of them and their actions. They but follow their own centre and believe in themselves.

Beowulf is such a character. He believes that Grendel should be killed fifty-fifty though this action would make him famous. He cares likewise much about his people and his kingdom to let something like fame stand in his style.

What volition be Beowulf'south only weapon?

He wishes to demonstrate his merit and honour. Beowulf closes by declaring that he and Grendel would not use weapons: "we shall abstain from the sword." He goes on to say that if Grendel accepts ("if he dares pursue conflict without a weapon"), God or fate will decide who wins.

Beowulf concludes by maxim that, if Grendel attacks him, he will fight back with all his might.

What does Beowulf'due south decision to fight without weapons reveal about his character?

What does Beowulf'due south determination to battle without weapons tell u.s. about him? Beowulf's determination to battle without weapons demonstrates both his intelligence and his sense of warrior dignity. He recognizes Grendel'south disability to use weapons and want to fight properly. Thus, he decides not to use weapons considering information technology would be inappropriate for a noble warrior to do so.

Beowulf also shows courage by facing Grendel alone. Although he is mighty, Grendel is still only a man. Beowulf overcomes his fear and attacks Grendel, killing him in combat. After the boxing, Hrothgar gives Beowulf a souvenir of coin and armor and then that he can continue to fight against other monsters. This evidence that fighting without weapons is not an deed of cowardice, just rather an honorable mode for a warrior to die.

Why did Beowulf fight Grendel with his bare hands? What does this reveal about his character?

Because Grendel does not use weapons to bite people in half and drinkable their claret, slaying the opponent with his bare easily will offer the hero more fame. This is due in part to the fact that killing an unarmed man, no matter how deadly or terrible he may be, would be shameful, and in office to Beowulf'southward vanity.

Grendel's mother, who is too her father'due south murderer, makes him alive in darkness and loneliness in order to punish him for what he did. But when she discovers that he has slain her mate, she seeks revenge by seeking out Beowulf, the terminal surviving nobleman in the kingdom. She kills Grendel's father besides, but learns from him before he dies. She then sets her son on a mission to impale all those who have wronged her.

At present it happens that during this time there was in Kingdom of denmark a mighty king named Hrothgar, who had been good to Beowulf when he was nonetheless in demand of help. When Hrothgar lies on his deathbed, Beowulf promises to guard his body until it can be brought domicile to Germany. Upon hearing this, Hrothgar orders that a large treasure room exist built in his palace walled with gold and silvery so that it can always be kept fix for whoever might one 24-hour interval come looking for him.

When Hrothgar dies, Beowulf takes his identify and leads the people in state of war.

About Article Author

Donald Goebel

Donald Goebel is a freelance author with decades of experience in the publishing industry. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Earth, and many other top newspapers and magazines.

Why Does Beowulf Fight Grendel,


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